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Price: $0.01 or £0.0085 per word

  • Has your manuscript almost ready for publication? Do you need to check for spelling and grammar issues before publishing your book?  Can you (understandably) only afford one level of editing? 

  • Proofreading is the final stage before publication. It focuses on spelling and grammar. 

  • I focus on four main aspects while proofreading:

    • Grammar: This is standard proofreading. I will be checking for any grammar issues throughout the text. ​

    • Spelling: I will ensure that the same spelling is used throughout the text (US or UK English as well as terminology)

    • Formatting: Are there double spaces? Are the numbers consistent throughout? Are the use of em dashes and hyphens consistently?

    • Affordability: This is the editing service to get if you can only afford one. I try to make sure that this service is inclusive enough that when the manuscript is done, it could be published. 

  • What’s included:

    • A Style Guide:​

      • The style guide will outline the style choices made in the document.

      • This will also include all of my comments on common concerns in the manuscript, such as repetition, action sequences, and overused words.

    • In-text Comments

      • Comments throughout the story

      • Usually around 10-20 per page

    • In-line Suggestions

      • Suggestions for grammar and spelling corrections​​​

    • Two read-throughs

      • I read the manuscripts twice for grammatical editing to ensure that the manuscript is as error-free as possible!

  • $0.01 per word (£0.0085 per word) 

This price is much lower than the standard price for two reasons (1) I believe in providing professional editing at a more affordable price and (2) after I provide feedback there is an option to leave an additional tip. This is not expected but is a way for me to continue to provide lower prices! 


Payment plans offered

**I offer a FREE 1,000-word editing sample! Fill out the Editing Query Form.  I will do my best to respond within 24 hours. If you have not heard from me after that, please check your spam and then email me! **

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