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Developmental Editing

Price: $0.02/word

Have you finished your book and don’t know where to go? Do you want to make sure your character arcs and pacing are good? Developmental Editing is the first step to editing your book! 


Developmental editing focuses on plot, character development, POV, pacing, and the overall story. 

What’s included:

  • In-text comments

  • An Editorial Report 

    • Usually around 10-20 pages

    • This will focus on structure, plot, pacing, and character development.

      • It will include both strengths and areas of improvement!

  • A Character Report

    • This will have a list of the characters mentioned in the story:

      • physical and personality descriptions of the character,

      • the relationships of different characters, and

      • the character development throughout the story.

  • Chapter-by-Chapter Critique

    • This report will have my overall thoughts on each chapter, including comments on plot development, character development, and areas of improvement.

  • Two read-throughs

    • I will read the manuscript twice before returning my feedback. This allows me to focus on unanswered questions, plot holes, and character inconsistencies.​

  • Want a similar edit but a little bit cheaper and more broad?

What's not included: Developmental editing does not include spelling and grammar editing (see copy editing and proofreading). If I notice a common issue, I will include it in my Editorial Report, but I focus on the story as a whole instead of the grammar. Since sentences and whole sections of the novel would likely change with revision, it is best to copy edit after developmental editing!

Price: $0.02/word

Payment plans are offered. All prices are in USD. I use Wise for international payments in other currencies.

**I offer a FREE 1,000-word editing sample! Fill out the Editing Query Form.  I will do my best to respond within 24 hours.**

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